November 29, 2015

Quote of the Week

RUJAK ASLI AROMA MUARO PADANG, Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Do you want to experience something sweet, sour and spicy at the same time? Come over to Rujak Asli Aroma Muaro Padang near Mayestik and take a taste to one of Indonesia’s traditional spicy and sour fruit salad. Rujak is a snack salad that consisted of several shredded fruits mixed with a dressing mixture of water, palm sugar, tamarind, terasi, ground sautéed peanuts, salt and chili.

The car was opened by Ibu Nova, who had been in this business for twenty six years. She run her business along with her husband, Pak Daulas and her daughter, Suci, 25 years old, also helped her out at the car.

The unique way that they ran their business is by using a car stall. In the morning, they drive from their home in Kebayoran Lama until 6 pm in the evening where they close the car stall and drive it back home.

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Rujak (per portion) – Rp. 15,000
Rujak Cacah (per portion) – Rp. 8000
Keripik Balado – Rp. 10,000

The Rujak Asli Aroma Muaro padang car stall at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

The owner of the car stall, Ibu Nova

The fruit ingredients for Rujak

The variety of food that Ibu Nova sold: Rujak (Rp. 15,000 per portion), Rujak Cacah (Rp. 8,000 per portion) and Keripik Balado (Rp. 10,000 per portion).

Rujak Asli Aroma Muaro Padang, where you can experience it’s sweet, sour and spicy flavor for just Rp. 15,000 per portion. 
Rujak Cacah – portable way to eat your spicy food salad! Only for Rp. 8000
Keripik Balado: crispy and spicy snack for all occasions! Only for Rp. 10,000 per portion. 

KUE APE AND KUE PANCONG, Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Kue Ape is known for its sunny-side-up eggs, which is famous for its crispy outer sides and soft center. The owner is Dodi, who is twenty five years old and came from Tasik, selling his products for three years in Mayestik Market. Dodi also had a family with one toddler aged two years old. His products can sold around one hundred and thirty packages per day.

Aside from Kue Ape, he also sold Kue Pancong.

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Kue Ape (ten pieces per box) – Rp. 15,000

Kue Pancong (ten pieces per box) – Rp. 10,000

Kue Ape and Kue Pancong cart, located at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Dodi, the seller of Kue Ape and Kue Pancong cart. 

Kue Ape Original and Pandan only for Rp. 15,000 in ten pieces per box. 

Kue Pancong, only ten pieces per box for Rp. 10,000. 

KUE CUBIT AND MARTABAK MINI, Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Nowadays, Jakarta is trending on Kue Cubit. Asep had been selling for seven years at Mayestik. He’s single and came from Tasik. He also had his own cart to sell his products.

For one day, he can sold for around one hundred box per day.

For Kue Cubit, he served on two flavors: original and green tea. According to him, Green tear-flavoured Kue Cubit had been the favorite amongst his customers. Aside from Kue Cubit, he also sold Martabak Mini and Sarang Laba-Laba.

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Kue Cubit (ten pieces per box) – Rp. 15,000
Martabak Mini (ten pieces per box) – Rp. 15,000

Sarang Laba-Laba (three pieces per box) – Rp. 10,000

Kue Ape and Kue Pancong cart, located at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Asep, the seller of Martabak Mini and Kue Cubit cart. 

Kue Cubit Original and Green Tea, only ten pieces per box for Rp. 15,000
Martabak Mini only for Rp. 15,000 per box for ten pieces and for Sarang Laba, three pieces per box for Rp. 10,000. 

KUE APEM GEMJONG, Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Kue Apem is made by Pak Asep, who had been selling since 1982. He was originated from Tasik. He had also made his own cart and he also had three children who are nine, twelve and seventeen years old who had since still in school.

Next to Kue Apem, he also sell Kue Gemblong and Black Sticky Rice kue Gemblong, packaged inside a mikah box that can be filled for ten cakes per portion, for 15,000. In just one day, he can sold for at least thirty boxes and his income is enough to pay for his children’s school tuition.  

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Kue Apem and Kue Gemblong (ten pieces per box) – Rp. 15,000

Kue Apem Gemjong cart, located at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Asep, the seller of Kue Apem Gemjong cart. 

Kue Gemblong and Kue Apem, only for Rp. 15,000 per box for ten pieces. 

ARUM MANIS GULALI, Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Gulali is one of the traditional snack that had been enjoyed from a very long time and available since the old days, especially to little kids, because of its sweet, crispy and unique like grandma’s hair. The snack also gains the nickname ‘rambut nenek’ because if that. ‘Rambut nenek’ was composed of a round, waffle-like bread and served like a sandwich with ‘rambut nenek’ filling. It was packaged inside a bag for five sandwiches. When you tried it, you can’t stop eating it.

Hirin had been selling his Gulali for twenty years. He comes all the way to Jakarta from Tasik. Just as the interview said, he can sell twenty to twenty five packages of Gulalis. He also had a family of two children, three and five years old, who were still in school. His income is enough for his family living cost as well as his children’s school tuition. Even so, he had a dream to expand his business into a bigger one.

We can also ask for a delivery via Hirin’s telephone at 087730542787.  

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Gulali Rambut Nenek (five sandwiches per package) – Rp. 10,000

The colorful Gulali cart at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Hirin, the seller of the Gulali cart.

Gulali Rambut Nenek, you can’t stop eating it! Hummy yummy yummy! Five sandwiches is for Rp. 10,000. 
Hirin, the seller of Aru Manis Gulali, Asep, the the seller of Kue Apem and Kue Gemblong, another Asep, owner of Kue Cubit and Martabak Mini and Sarang Laba-Laba as well as Dodi, the owner of Kue Ape and Kue Pancong, came from the same area known as Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Together, they cooperated by selling their products in Mayestik by leaving their family in their homes. They also rent a small house together in Pandan Street, near Mayestik.

This is one form of business that they can save on rent payment and helping each other’s business and also another form of teamwork from the same originated place. They helped one another but they did not compete. It’s a wonderful friendship that we should take an example of. 

ES PUDING SPECIAL MAYESTIK, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

If you’re looking for something cold and sweet, take a slurp out of the ice pudding cart managed by a man named Econ.

Econ is originated from Cirebon and he had been handling this business for over ten years. He made the Ice Puddings on his own and has sold for more than a hundred portion per day. The authentic, personal taste on his Ice Puddings was the reason why his business was popular with the locals.

The Special Ice Pudding consisted of avocadoes, black sticky rice, pieces of bread, condensed milk, nuts and chocolate sprinkles and cendol. It was made traditionally by spinning it around with salt.

Opening Hour:
8 AM to 6 PM


Es Puding Special (one portion) – Rp. 10,000

The Es Puding Special stall at Mayestik, Jalan Tebah III, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

The owner of the cart, Econ. 

Ice pudding: it’s cold, sweet and refreshing! Only for Rp. 10,000. 

At the South of Jakarta, there was another traditional marketplace that had been operating since 1950’s. Located at Jalan Tebah, Kelurahan Gunung, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Mayestik Marketplace is usually well-known for their fabrics, but the place was abundant with traditional street food at every step of the way. 

A few years ago, the Ministry of DKI Jakarta Province had remodeled the traditional street market’s appearance to be cleaner and approachable towards society as an act of improvement towards their used to be dirty, slovenly and messy street. This act had raised the standards of the marketplace to be on par with the modern malls.

However, the traditional street food on its streets does not diminished easily. As the matter of a fact, several street food carts that still remained on the street became their own attraction and turned out to be an easy accessible snacks for the hungry visitors. 

November 22, 2015

Quote of the Week

SATE OJO RAMON, Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Outside the Pasar Santa area is an infamous ‘kaki lima’ stand which sells the most well-known Satay Padang in all over Jakarta. Locals were incredibly familiar with Sate Ojo Ramon, which they were known for their distinctive spiciness and representing the true taste of Padang.

Currently, the shop had several branch all around Jakarta. Their main branch is right at the front of Pasar Santa, where the night shifts are often the busiest.

The satay included a variety of different choices such as tongue, meat or heart. In addition to that, the customers can choose whether to include ketupat or not inside their dishes.

Opening Hours:
11.00 AM to 12.00 AM


Satay Ojo Ramon: choices includes tongue, meat or heart (ten sticks in addition of ketupat per portion) – Rp. 25,000

The packed customers are enjoying their dishes at Sate Ajo Ramon in Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. 

Delicious Sate Padang Ojo Ramon. Seek the true spiciness within this dish, only for Rp. 25,000 including ketupat. 

The crispy and savory side snacks to wait for the real main dish. 

TOAST BOSS, Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Around the area of Pasar Santa, there was another stall at the corner which sells uniquely made toasts and “kue cubit” amongst the variety of other menu. What sells it is that they combined popular contemporary flavors such as Red Velvet or Green Tea into their menu.

One of the other delicious item on their menu is their burger ice cream – which, as you can expect it, is an ice cream sandwiched between two burger buns. It’s about as tasty as they can guaranteed it.

Although they were known to sell toasts in many flavors, it’s their “kue cubit” that was widely recognized by their patrons. The flavors for their “kue cubit” comes in many variety, which included Taro, Tiramisu, Red Velvet, Green Tea or Milo. They recommended that you tried Red Velvet or Green Tea flavored “Kue Cubit” and add some cheese and chocolate on top of it.

The stall was also known for their ice pudding, and one of their most popular flavors amongst the young patrons is Ice Pudding, added with a milk bubble flavor.

Opening Hours:
2.00 PM – 10.00 PM


Kue Cubit (Red Velvet or Green Tea flavor, five cake per portion) – Rp. 15,000

Ice Pudding (Milk Bubble Flavor) – Rp. 18,000

The front of Toast Boss at Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Standing there LIKE A BOSS.

Kue Cubit being cooked. Comes in many flavors. Five cakes per one portion only for Rp. 15,000. 

Quench your thirst this ice pudding! Milk Bubble flavor is recommended. Only for Rp.18,000 per drink.  

GLASCH NITROGEN ICE CREAM, Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Want to taste an ice cream like no other? Then step right up to Glasch’s Nitrogen Ice Cream, and one of the only nitrogen ice cream stall that you can found in Pasar Santa.

To explain, nitrogen ice cream is made out of liquid nitrogen – as they prepared the ice cream, a column of white, water vapor from the nitrogen rises up like the smoke stage from a rock band concert. One of the biggest advantage of making a nitrogen ice cream is that the preparation time is faster than beating the ingredients using electric machine. Don’t worry, it’s still taste good – just don’t eat while it’s still steaming. Let it cool or enjoy the vapor until disappeared, dip your spoon inside and enjoy the taste.

Most importantly, because of its speedy preparation time, customers won’t have to worry, beside the waiting time, about the ice crystals that came when the ice cream freezes too long.

Beside the cool “smoke” that the ice cream had produced, Glasch’s flavor came in plenty of flavors variety, including the customer’s favorite: bubblegum.

Opening Hours:
2:00 – 9:00 PM


Nitrogen Ice Cream (per portion) – Rp. 35,000

The front of Glasch’s Nitrogen Ice Cream Stall at Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. 

Nitrogen Ice Cream in the works – science had never been more delicious. 

Nitrogen Ice Cream (per portion) – Rp. 35,000. Bubblegum flavor. Both of them are one of the greatest scientific achievements in the history of culinary. 

MIEGALOMEN, Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Do you want some taste from Japan around Pasar Santa? Look no further! Miegaloman is your answer. This stall had plenty of Japanese food to satisfy your taste buds. From the classic ramen to rice with Japanese curry, everything is there to satisfy your oriental tongue… and with a good price to boot too.

Their highlighted items in their menu included their signature dish, Maximie Ramen, a hearty, spicy ramen filled with meat, vegetables, fish meatballs and boiled egg. It’s hot and heartwarming that will make you want for seconds.

Another signature dish you should really try is the Wasabi Fire Cracker. No, really. That’s what it said. Green, spicy and delicious fire crackers that would make you want to say… “Oiishi!”

Opening Hours:
3:00 PM – 10:00 PM


Maximie Ramen – Rp. 22,000
Wasabi Fire Cracker – Rp. 15,000

The front of Miegalomen’s stall at Pasar Santa. Find it at Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. 

Me (in yellow-white shirt), take a picture with the owner, Remy. 

Miegaloman’s special signature dish, only for Rp. 22,000 per portion. Feel it’s delicious heat!

Wasabi Fire Cracker – Rp. 15,000. One word: Oiishi

KUE CUBIT BRO, Jalan Cipaku Raya 32, 3rd Floor, Pasar Santa, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

In these days, it’s hard to find your childhood snacks, let alone anyone would ever sell or heard of it again. Say no more. For those who wanted a nostalgic taste with contemporary flavor, try Kue Cubit Bro – one of the biggest traditional sweet snack stall at Pasar Santa.

Kue Cubit Bro’s menu is unique as it gets. It combines traditional snacks that your parents and even your grandparents had loved since childhood and combines it with a contemporary taste such as Red Velvet, Ovomaltine, Cookies and Cream and even Green Tea. The stall filled with various traditional Indonesian sweet snacks such as Panconk Lava, Kue Cubit and fried bananas.

But that’s not all! Kue Cubit Bro had one more thing that makes them stand out than the rest of the stalls. As advertised, they let the customers pick their snack, such as Kue Cubit, toppings and a flavor to combine their very own creative dish! Nothing says better than to eat your very own creation and having fun experimenting it with your friends and family at the same time.

Opening Hours:
3.00 PM to 10.00 PM


Dark Chocolate Kue Cubit with Oreo toppings (five pieces per portion) – Rp. 20,000
Red Velvet Pancock with Strawberry topping (per portion) – Rp. 20,000
Pisank Chocolate with Ovomaltine filling (per portion) – Rp. 20,000

The stall’s bright and colorful sign - the pictures are working up our appetites.  

Pisank doughs being fried – the smell is very mouth-watering and the crispy, bubbling sounds are like music to the ears. 

Kue Cubit’s dough being cooked - the colors are incredibly beautiful

Dark Chocolate Kue Cubit with Oreo toppings (five pieces per portion) – Rp. 20,000. Very delicious, with cookie crumbs on top of the soft cake. 

Red Velvet Pancock with Strawberry topping (per portion) – Rp. 20,000. For more fun, just add strawberry syrup on top of it. 

Pisank Chocolate with Ovomaltine filling (per portion) – Rp. 20,000. This baby will make you go bananas!